Knowing the cost of demurrage and what expences and loss it couses we guarantee work completion on time.
Our team consists of people who know maritime business firsthand. They are specialists who started their careers with work on ships. Our employees realise from their own experience the importance of high-quality repair in accordance with the rules of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Russian River Register and navigation safety.
After all, lives of crew members, safety of the cargo and the vessel, the accuracy and timing of work completion depends on said above.
Ship’s agency service in the White Sea ports and on the NSR (Northern Sea Route)
Complex ship supply
Hull-welding works
Ship repair and refit
Documentation development: engineering, working and project documentation
Ultrasonic thickness measurement/Visual and dimentional inspection
At the time of acceptance of the tawboat ‘Chibyu’ it was insufficient technical state and it did’t have an official classification.
The ship needed the repair of literally everything, from the hull work to the main engines and deck mechanisms.
In the process of the work the underwater and surface parts of the hull plating were replaced, the deck was almost completely replaced, components and assemblies were repaired.
At the end of repair the vessel got an classification, the register documents were received, and the port inspection and Rospotrebnadzor (The Federal Service for Survelliance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing) inspection were passed. Also, it’s got a new name ‘Carat’. After being supplied with fuel and food the ship was ready.
Supply delivery for the motor vessel "Chukotka Plus"
Service period was 3 days
Arctic Marine organized a large-scale logistics delivery of supplies to the city and Chizhovsky roadsteads of the port of Arkhangelsk.
Among the supplied goods were about 40 barrels of oil, more than 10 tons of food, rags, household chemicals, paint and other industrial goods with a total cargo of about 6 tons.
Ship’s agency service for the motor vessel "Pavel Leonov" in the port of Murmansk
Service period was 2 days
Pavel Leonov is a modern combination ship built at the Nevsky Shipyard especifically for sea traffic between the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. Its main task is to transport general cargo, cars and people.
Arctic Marine provided a range of ship agency services in the port of Murmansk. The opening of borders, the organization of bunkering and a medical board for the crew are among them.
Agency services for the barge “EQUS”
Service period was 10 days
The company provided a range of services for the agency of the barge and the tug "SEA LORD" in the waters of Arkhangelsk.
Agency services for the motor ship “SELENGA”
Service period was 2 days
The company completed a list of works on the integrated supply and agency services for the m/v “SELENGA”.
Manufacturing small components
Work completion time was 5 days
The company was contacted by a departmental organization that needed fastening construction. The problem was that such parts are not mass-produced and can only be made according to drawings.
Their small size also introduced its own nuances - many contractors simply refused to take on such work.
By the forces of "Arctic Marine" with the involvement of competent specialists, it was possible to the above-mentioned parts. Material - steel. Manufacturing method - argon welding.
• Ship’s agency service in the White Sea ports and on the NSR(Northern Sea Route); • Ship repair and refit; • Complex ship supply; • Documentation development; • Hull-welding works; • Ultrasonic thickness measurement/Visual and dimentional inspection
Mr Streltsov worked his way up from a cadet on the sailing barque ‘Sedov’ to the second mate at Wilson ASA.
From 2017 to 2019 he worked as an agent and operator of the towing fleet at Belfreight CJSC. Later, in 2019, he led the agency department in LLC "Sevnor Logistic".
In 2013 he graduated from the Murmansk State Technical University with a degree of a navigator technician.
In 2019 he graduated from the Northern Arctic Federal University with a degree in oil and gas business.